D R Consultants (DRC) specializes in the field of water resources engineering and provides a full range of professional services from analysis, concept through design, and construction support services. DRC has proven experience in developing practical and cost-effective solutions to meet water resources design challenges; is an innovator of creative ideas, and provides technical excellence in the planning, design, and construction of water supply, treatment, and water reclamation facilities.
Our experience in planning, designing and managing water resources offers our clients comprehensive expertise that incorporates mapping, modeling, engineering and scientific investigation. We have experience with the analysis of alternative supply sources, development of water supplies, water conveyance, conjunctive use, and related disciplines.
DRC services include:
- Water quality assessments
- Source water protection design
- Development of designated uses and water quality standards
- Flood control and drainage master plans
- Stormwater management/Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- Erosion control design
- Engineered wetlands design
- Stream channel restoration design
- Dam stabilization and removal design
- Habitat and ecosystem restoration design
- Regulatory compliance and support design