North City Tunnel Connector Project, City of San Diego, CA

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City of San Diego



Identification & location of existing utilities; Technical Specifications; Permitting

The North City Tunnel Project consisted of four pipelines—an 85-inch diameter sanitary sewer line, a 36-inch diameter pressurized reclaimed water pipeline, a 24-inch diameter centerline, and a 54-inch effluent line—each approximately 2,000 feet long in a common tunnel. They extended from the North City Treatment Plant on the I-805’s east side to a drop structure on the I-805’s west side and connected with the south portal of a 48-inch tunnel near La Jolla Village Drive. D R Consultants (DRC) determined the locations of all known public and private utilities, horizontally and vertically, prepared a list of utilities and contacted each in the project area. Results were summarized in a final report, which documented all anticipated obstructions. DRC identified permit requirements, contacts, costs, timing for acquisition, and other pertinent information and presented the information in a manual of permit requirements, which responded to the Clean Water Program guidelines for obtaining and initializing permit applications. It also included a master schedule. Permits included: Section 404 Permits, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

  • Stream Alteration Permits, Dept. of Fish and Game
  • San Diego Air Quality Management District Permit
  • Regional Water Quality Control Board Permits (Section 401 and 402 permits)
  • Coastal Commission Permits
  • City of San Diego Permits and Approvals (engineering and development, planning, police, fire, traffic and building)
  • Other Approvals and Permits (Pacific Bell, San Diego Gas and Electric, CALOSHA, CALTRANS, County Health Department)

DRC developed all of the project’s technical specifications, including administrative and technical elements. DRC produced updates for 60%, 90%, and 100% milestones. DRC’s construction management and technical support, its responsiveness and sensitivity to the overall construction schedule during the technical planning and permitting phase, contributed significantly to completing the project on time and on budget. Our experience on large, multi-task projects ensured efficient cost and schedule controls on this project. DRC’s partnering approach with the Clean Water Program, contractors and regulators, established an effective level of communication that contributed to the project’s success.