Rio de Flag Flood Control Project, US Army Corps of Engineers, Flagstaff, AZ



U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District


Project Management, Site Investigation, Safety and Health Plan, Traffic Control Study, Permits and Regulations, Drilling, Logging, Sampling, Report Preparation, Cost Estimates (MCACES)


DRC performed a geotechnical assessment—including drilling, logging, sampling, and permitting—as prime consultant to allow the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Geotechnical Branch evaluate alternative approaches and associated costs for railroad embankment under-crossings, which were integral to the Rio de Flag Flood Control Project in Flagstaff, AZ. DRC earned an “Outstanding Performance Rating” from the Corps of Engineers for this project. DRC provided traffic control and underground utility clearances; coordinated and provided all necessary city/state/railroad permits, including right-of-entry on Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company (BNSF) land. DRC ensured compliance with all applicable regulations with the Department of Water Resources and Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company requirements including obtaining specialized insurance and permits to ingress and work on railroad land. DRC was responsible for verifying the underground utility avoidance and a project-specific Safety and Health Plan that focused on drill rig stability and worker safety on slopes, in forested areas, around overhead wires, near active railroad tracks, and within 25 feet of the railroad tracks’ centerline. We prepared Traffic Control Plans which took under consideration the use of the adjacent Chamber of Commerce parking lot as the ingress-egress point. It was critical that DRC maintain access and a good relationship with the Chamber since it would be very costly and would cause rigorous traffic control issues to use other alternatives in the area. DRC performed contract and field management, including all work on city land with the city, preparing a cost-effective traffic control plan, issuing notifications and locations of drilling, and obtaining permits. DRC coordinated closely with the Corps of Engineers, maintaining accurate records of all work, including work schedules that were often ten-hour days.