Pier 300 Container Wharf & Retaining Structure Design, Port of LA



Port of Los Angeles


Civil Design, Marine Design, Structural Design, Seismic Analysis, Bid Packages, Technical Specifications

The Pier 300 Container Wharf and Structure Design at the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) consists of a 130-acre terminal designed to capture a major portion of America’s coal and petroleum coke exports to the Pacific Rim. Dredging reached 85 feet in some places to create capacity for the access of deeper draft vessels. D R Consultants & Designers supported civil engineering for the project’s three phases. Our team assisted with the marine and structural design of the container terminal for evaluation and analysis of seismic requirements and was instrumental in developing and reviewing bid packages and technical specifications. The Pier 300 project is part of the southern terminus of the Alameda Corridor. This vital road and rail improvement effort links POLA to rail facilities near downtown Los Angeles, expediting efficient intermodal movement of cargo inland while providing environmental benefits.