DRC Honored During Asian-American Month at City of LA
On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, the Los Angeles Board of Public Works bestowed a Certificate of Recognition to D R Consultants & Designers, Inc. (DRC) “For their efforts to provide opportunities to Asian Pacific American and Subcontinent Asian American owned businesses on Public Works contracts during Fiscal Year 2022-2023.” Public Works Commissioner Susana Reyes introduced the firm to the entire Board, summarizing our consistent success meeting goals for subconsultant percentages to these businesses on DRC’s prime contracts with the City of Los Angeles. This includes contracts with the Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering, Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation, and the Port of Los Angeles. Michael Grossman, Business Development Associate, accepted the Certificate on behalf of DRC. In brief remarks to the Board, he noted that the firm has been in business for more than 40 years, values its subconsultant partners, and has itself benefited from subconsultant goals as an SBE/MBE/WBE. DRC’s President and CEO, Wanda Martinez, said the Board’s recognition “acknowledges DRC’s longstanding subcontracting to Asian American and other small or minority-owned businesses through a proven program that helps them grow and prosper alongside DRC.”
Inspector of Public Works John L. Reamer, Jr., DRC’s Michael Grossman, Public Works Commissioner Susana Reyes
Group Shot of All Honorees